January is Mental Wellness Month

January is Mental Wellness Month

This time of year we tend to focus on resolutions and starting new, healthy habits as well as breaking old habits.  One positive goal we can implement for ourselves in 2018 is a commitment to self-care and mental wellness.  Sometimes we make other goals a priority while putting our own well-being on the back burner.  We need to heed the old adage, “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”

This month’s focus put the emphasis on mental wellness rather than mental health because of the belief that there is more to mental wellness than just the absence of a mental illness, in the same way that physical wellness is more than the absence of a physical disease.

Below we have collected some suggestions for self care. These all require an intentional commitment to ensure that they do not become good ideas that never see completion.  Make sure to prioritize your mental wellness!

  • Take care of yourself physically.  Get enough sleep, keep active, and eat healthy foods.
  • Make time for friendships. In our busy lives we must schedule time to ensure our relationships get the attention that they need.
  • Practice gratitude.  Intentionally focusing our thoughts on the positive keeps us in a healthy frame of mind.
  • Do something often that brings you enjoyment and fulfillment.  Start a new hobby or take a class.  Keep your mind active and always learning.

One easy thing that many people like to do is to spend some time coloring.  It is a relaxing, enjoyable activity that does not cost a lot of money and can be done almost anywhere.  We have posted the link to some free printable coloring pages below.  Enjoy!


