Last week I attended the annual training of the National Association of Drug Court Professionals. One of the speakers I seek out every year is...
Archive for category: Trauma – Education

Opiate Epidemic Continues to Create Crisis for Lucas Co. Children Services
As April marks Child Abuse Prevention Month nationally, the need for child protective services continues to reach crisis proportions for Lucas County Children Services as...

Self Harm Awareness Month
This month our focus is on erasing stigma, providing education, and giving support and hope to those who struggle with self-harm/self-injury. MYTHS about people who...

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
Let’s take a little quiz. Complete the quiz before you look at the answers below. Don’t worry – no grades. TRUE or FALSE: Girls at...

January is Mental Wellness Month
This time of year we tend to focus on resolutions and starting new, healthy habits as well as breaking old habits. One positive goal we...

December 3, 2017: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The theme for this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities is “Transformation Towards Sustainable and Resilient Society for All.” The United Nations’ 2030...

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day – November 18, 2017
November 18 is designated as a day focused on supporting those who have lost a loved one to suicide. On this day, people affected by...

Trauma Informed Care and Vulnerable Populations Conference
A BIG THANK YOU to the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities and the Northwest Ohio Psychiatric Hospital for hosting the Trauma Informed Care and...

Hope Beyond Hurt: How To Help A Loved One Overcome Trauma
Trauma comes in many forms and impacts countless number of people. “The key to understanding psychological trauma is that it refers to extreme stress that...

Trauma Awareness Month
May is National Mental Health month. A month where we focus on fighting stigma, providing support, educating the public, and raising awareness for mental health....