Thank you MHRSB!

Thank you MHRSB!

The Lucas County Trauma Informed Care Coalition wishes to thank the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Lucas County for their generous support of our work. MHRSB has provided funding for the Coalition’s website for the next 5 years, allowing us to continue to provide education, resources, and training opportunities to Northwest Ohio. The Coalition is appreciative of the partnership we have from the Board and the support they offer toward our mission of creating a trauma-informed community throughout Lucas County.

The Coalition would also like to acknowledge the ongoing support we have received from The Cullen Center at the ProMedica Russel J. Ebeid Children’s Hospital. The Cullen Center has offered financial backing for Coalition activities and the website and we would like to express our appreciation for their partnership. We are so fortunate to have access to this trauma-informed resource that serves so many in Lucas County.