Gratitude All Year Long

Gratitude All Year Long

Thanksgiving is a time of year when many focus on gratitude and acknowledging their blessings. This is certainly a positive and worthwhile endeavor! In fact, the practice of gratitude is something that is helpful to cultivate throughout the entire year. The mental and emotional benefits of thankfulness have been studied and proven to change your brain, make you happier, boost your immune system, improve your relationships, and make you more productive.

The Mindfulness Awareness Research Center at UCLA conducted a study where the researchers measured brain activity of participants experiencing different emotions. They found that gratitude activates multiple brain regions, and lights up parts of the brain’s reward pathways and the hypothalamus. They discovered that gratitude can boost serotonin and dopamine production. These “feel good” chemicals boost our mood and reward us for the positive thoughts we are focusing on.

Another study by the National Institute of Health revealed that individuals who showed more gratitude had higher levels of activity in their hypothalamus, which controls bodily functions and influences stress levels. They found that improvements in gratitude could lead to benefits in decreased depression, fewer aches and pain, and better sleep.

Some simple practices to help increase gratitude include:

  1. Keeping a gratitude journal or list
  2. Telling a friend what you appreciate about them
  3. Writing someone a thank you note
  4. Reflecting on a situation and focusing on what went well
  5. Committing to one day per week without complaining
  6. Thanking the people who serve you in your community
  7. Posting quotes and images that remind you to be thankful
  8. Making gratitude a part of family meal time discussions

The benefits of fostering an attitude of gratitude will not only benefit each person who practices them; ultimately focusing on thankfulness will benefit our families, workplaces, and communities as well.

Sources for some of the information in this article can be found at the following links: